Sunday, November 27, 2011

A little Thanksgiving week end relaxation...

I wanted to step away from drawing last nite. Just for a short while. Friends at home were havong a crafting session. Some like Cheryl would work on their scrap book, Jason, would well, entertain us with jokes and some very special stunts of his. And I decided I could go back to some scultping. I have always liked the Hulk, as a comic book character, but even more as a TV character, yeah, again, I am that old.

I thought I'd give it a try. I worked on that baby for like an hour and a half... and here is the result.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A little something from Issue # 2/ Un petit avant gout du numero 2

Un petit quelque chose a vous mettre sous la dent en attendant la sortie du numéro. Du calme, c'est pas avant la mi Janvier. J'en ai bavé sur celle-là. travaillant au micro mine 0,5, j'ai le pouce en feu, a force d'appui comme un taré... Enfin, a deux heures du mat, le devoir accompli, je pose le crayon. J'y suis depuis 8 heures ce matin. Comme dirait la merde nie " j'f'rais pas ça tous les jours..."

A little something to keep you waiting on that number 2 issue. Cool your jets, it's not out until mid Jan or so... That was a tough one. Kept me at the table from 8 this morning until 2 am the next day, with an hour and a half to eat tonight. Needless to say, using a 0,5 mechanical pencil ruined my thumb. Bah, tomorrow is another d... Wait, shit... It IS today!

Monday, November 7, 2011

AOTE 3 cover! /La couv du 3 et des news!

I don't get to draw that issue, or the next one, but the cover is already here!
Stephane Crety is the talent behind the pencils, that will still be inked by Amazing Julien Hugonnard-Bert!
Je ne dessinerai pas les pages interieures de celui-là, ni du prichain d'ailleurs, mais le talentueux Stephane Créty est aux manettes, assisté par le gardien du temple Jedi, Julien Huggonard-Bert, pour vous delivrer un numero qui va demenager, litteralement! Ce numero 3 decoiffe, au sens propre du terme, et Stéphane s'y entend pour mettre en scène les pages d'actions! 

 And as always...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Taking a break from Drawing...

... In my usual comic book style, that is. I find this relaxing, because it is so much more natural and easier for me. it's always a good deal of fun to draw like this.
Han and Chewie have always been my favorite characters as a teen. Soon enough, of course, I grew a real interest for characters like Luke, Ben ( Sir Alec Guinness ) Darth Vader, and last but not least, Yoda - Ya know, Chewie's good friend? Okay, let's forget about that part, shall we?

But those two? They always comme first!


Here is the cover for issue # 2. So far my favorite. I wanted to give it a James Bond Movie poster feel. Kinda like the Diamonds are forever one, by painter master Robert Mc Ginnis. I hope it does it justice.

I first thought the idea of a tux in the SWU would be fun and adding to it. But I add to change the pants, to " make it look more Empire ".Works anyway. It actually brigns it more into the look of the original movies, which is one of my focus.

And then here is the final version, in color. I try more and more to use live models to add variety to the looks of my characters. This one has I tried to give the girl a Scarlet Johansson likeness, and the Embassador is loosely based on a friend of mine, who works at  "Lost Worlds of Wonders", comic book store in Milwaukee.