Sunday, November 27, 2011

A little Thanksgiving week end relaxation...

I wanted to step away from drawing last nite. Just for a short while. Friends at home were havong a crafting session. Some like Cheryl would work on their scrap book, Jason, would well, entertain us with jokes and some very special stunts of his. And I decided I could go back to some scultping. I have always liked the Hulk, as a comic book character, but even more as a TV character, yeah, again, I am that old.

I thought I'd give it a try. I worked on that baby for like an hour and a half... and here is the result.


  1. Sa chevelure ne vaut pas la toison d'homme des cavernes du grand Lou Ferrigno... Merci pour cette dose de nostalgie, je vais ptêt me récupérer la série et infliger ça à mes enfants !

  2. Ouais, je sais, j'ai choisi l'option comme dans le comics plutot que la version moumoutte de Lou. Mais ça le fait, non?

  3. quand est que tu refait des pin-up????
