Thursday, December 15, 2011

Star Wars AOTE # 1 in stores! Yay!

At last, the series " Agent of the Empire: Iron Eclipse " is launched in the star wars universe. Reviews are rather positive, which is no surprise when you have  John Ostrander writing such good material!

USA TODAY reviews it. Newsarama too. IGN comics here. Big Shiny Robot there. Comic booked has one too.

I gave my best on this book, and I hope it shows. Karine is not part of the adventure, but I must say Wes Dzioba did a great job, especiallyin such a short notice! Julien is the perfect inker for this job, needless to say.
All in all, the force may have been with us on this one. Tell me what you think. 

Okay, a little reward for the faithfull followers of this Blog. The first pencils of issue # 2... 

I am such a tease, but it's all to have you

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A little Thanksgiving week end relaxation...

I wanted to step away from drawing last nite. Just for a short while. Friends at home were havong a crafting session. Some like Cheryl would work on their scrap book, Jason, would well, entertain us with jokes and some very special stunts of his. And I decided I could go back to some scultping. I have always liked the Hulk, as a comic book character, but even more as a TV character, yeah, again, I am that old.

I thought I'd give it a try. I worked on that baby for like an hour and a half... and here is the result.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A little something from Issue # 2/ Un petit avant gout du numero 2

Un petit quelque chose a vous mettre sous la dent en attendant la sortie du numéro. Du calme, c'est pas avant la mi Janvier. J'en ai bavé sur celle-là. travaillant au micro mine 0,5, j'ai le pouce en feu, a force d'appui comme un taré... Enfin, a deux heures du mat, le devoir accompli, je pose le crayon. J'y suis depuis 8 heures ce matin. Comme dirait la merde nie " j'f'rais pas ça tous les jours..."

A little something to keep you waiting on that number 2 issue. Cool your jets, it's not out until mid Jan or so... That was a tough one. Kept me at the table from 8 this morning until 2 am the next day, with an hour and a half to eat tonight. Needless to say, using a 0,5 mechanical pencil ruined my thumb. Bah, tomorrow is another d... Wait, shit... It IS today!

Monday, November 7, 2011

AOTE 3 cover! /La couv du 3 et des news!

I don't get to draw that issue, or the next one, but the cover is already here!
Stephane Crety is the talent behind the pencils, that will still be inked by Amazing Julien Hugonnard-Bert!
Je ne dessinerai pas les pages interieures de celui-là, ni du prichain d'ailleurs, mais le talentueux Stephane Créty est aux manettes, assisté par le gardien du temple Jedi, Julien Huggonard-Bert, pour vous delivrer un numero qui va demenager, litteralement! Ce numero 3 decoiffe, au sens propre du terme, et Stéphane s'y entend pour mettre en scène les pages d'actions! 

 And as always...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Taking a break from Drawing...

... In my usual comic book style, that is. I find this relaxing, because it is so much more natural and easier for me. it's always a good deal of fun to draw like this.
Han and Chewie have always been my favorite characters as a teen. Soon enough, of course, I grew a real interest for characters like Luke, Ben ( Sir Alec Guinness ) Darth Vader, and last but not least, Yoda - Ya know, Chewie's good friend? Okay, let's forget about that part, shall we?

But those two? They always comme first!


Here is the cover for issue # 2. So far my favorite. I wanted to give it a James Bond Movie poster feel. Kinda like the Diamonds are forever one, by painter master Robert Mc Ginnis. I hope it does it justice.

I first thought the idea of a tux in the SWU would be fun and adding to it. But I add to change the pants, to " make it look more Empire ".Works anyway. It actually brigns it more into the look of the original movies, which is one of my focus.

And then here is the final version, in color. I try more and more to use live models to add variety to the looks of my characters. This one has I tried to give the girl a Scarlet Johansson likeness, and the Embassador is loosely based on a friend of mine, who works at  "Lost Worlds of Wonders", comic book store in Milwaukee.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Jedi / Un Jedi

Ou bien devrais-je dire "Une"? Voici un dessin que j'ai fait pour La convention F.A.C.T.S 2011, pour me faire pardonner de n'avoir pas pu livrer l'affiche cette année...

Here is a Jedi I did for a Convention in Belgium, as a promo piece.

J'ai ensuite mis des niveau de gris au Markers Copic, puis je l'ai passé en couleur sur bécane, hisotire de rendre l'image plus attractive. Qui sait? Les organisateurs auront peut-être l'idée d'en faire un freebie a la convention? 

I then put colors and the catchline Emmanuel, the promoter of the show, suggested. It turned out to be a fun piece to do! Hope they like it, too!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Agent of the Empire in Previews Oct 11' Catalog!

Hi Guys, 
Issue # 1 is available for solicitations in the Previews catalog. And it's going to be a great book! Just to hint you on this, here is a page that is only half presented in the catalog. 

Salut les padawans, Le numero 1 sera disponible en Dec, le 14, exactement, et le catalogue Previews en fait la promo ce mois-çi! Je joins la page 5 qui n'a été presentée que patiellement dans le catalogue.
En esperant que ça plaise.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

A few random pencilled pages on the book/ Quelques pages crayonnées de mon comics

Hi Guys,

Thought I would entertain you and " keep you thirsty " with a few pencilled pages. I will post some inked one later - much later - since Julien did an AMAZING job on the first issue.
Anyhoo, here are the pages, hope you like them!

Salut les Padawans,

Je me suis dit qu'augmenter ce blog de quelques pages permettrait de maintenir l'interêt et le nombre de visite...
Alors voici les premiers crayonnés du numéro un, qui sortira en Decembre aux States! Je posterai plus tard - beaucoup plus tard - les encrages de Julien Hugonnard-Bert  qui fait un sacré bon boulot, si vous voulez mon avis!

Voici les planches, j'espère que vous aurez envie de lire le comics! 

And as the saying goes now...

Et comme toujours, il est de mon devoir de vous maintenir assoiffés...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Agent of the Empire # 1 in store in December! Pre-order now!

John Ostrander (W), Stephane Roux (P/Cover), Julien Hugonnard-Bert (I), and Dave Wilkins (Variant cover)
The name’s Cross. Jahan Cross. This intergalactic Man of Mystery has the weight of the Empire behind him! Cross’ mission takes him and his assistant IN-GA 44 to the affluent Corporate Sector. There, on the trail of stolen droid technology, they will rub elbows with diplomats and desperadoes, captains of industry and sergeants of the local police–and rub most of them the wrong way!

Pencils for AOTE cover # 1/ Crayonné de la couverture Numero # 1

I thought I would entertain the few followers of that blog with a little Work-in-Progress on the Agent of the Empire book I am currently drawing for Dark Horse Comics. 

Alors voilà, je me suis dit que j'allais gratifier les quelques rares personnes qui suivent ce blog d'un petit tour dans les coulisses de la fabrication de la couverture du comics sur lequel je travaille, et qui doit sortir en Decembre

Here is how it usually looks when I am penciling. It can be - and usually is - less thorough, as I developed a technique that makes the pencil more like a security net and only that, as I throw details at inking stage, injecting a little improv' in the process. I don't like to trace my own lines. it's a waste of my time when i know I'll be doing it again when i'll have to ink. Plus, it makes the inking process more fun, and always full of surprises.

Ca ressemble en général à ça, mais il m'arrive de pousser un peu moins le rendu... C'est la première, je veux epater mon patron, ou bien est-ce pour mieux entrer dans l'univers? ou tout simplement montrer au lecteur qu'on va pas se foutre de sa tronche! 

Je pousse moins en général les details, donc, car j'aime bien me reserver une petite séance d'impro au cours de la réalisation d'une image comme celle-çi. Je m'explique: je m'autorise plus de spontanéité, en ne définissant pas autant les details à l'étape du crayonné... Cela me permet de " me jeter a l'eau "  en definissant ces details à l'encrage. D'aucuns diront que c'est jouer avec le feu, les autres comprendront que le processus de création est mis en sourdine si on se contente de retracer. Et puis, le dessin est de toute façon, déjà " dans ma tête " alors avec le filet de sécurité que me procure le crayonné, je suis couvert, je peux difficilement faire un gros pain qui compromettrait l'image finale. 

A vous de juger, quand la version final sera visible... Mais a ce stade pour moi, c'est vraiment bien parti! 

J'espère que cela vous maintient assoiffés d'en voir plus!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Character designs for AOTE/ Recherches de Personnages pour AOTE

Here's a few designs for the Agent of the Empire New Series By Dark Horse. The Series is starting in December 2011.

Voici quelques recherches pour la série "Au service secret de L'Empire"  sur laquelle je travaille actuellement. La série sera publiée, aux Etats-Unis, en fin d'année 2011.

 This is Armand Isard, Chief of Imperial Intelligence and therefore, the hero's boss. It is an established character in the Extended Universe.

Voici tout d'abord Armand Isard, Directeur des Services Secrets de L'empire et de fait, le patron du héros, Jahan Cross. C'est un personnage déjà installé dans l'Univers Etendu de la saga.

Arlessi Quon is a Sluissi - that's his species - in charge of of vehicules and Spacecrafts for Imperial Intel. Your bike is broken, he's the one who can fix it... that is if you are one to like Sith...

Arlessi Quon est un Sluissi - un type d'alien - en charge des véhicules et autres vaisseaux spéciaux pour les Services Secrets de l'Empire. Si ta meule est en rade, c'est a lui qu'il faut l'amener... Enfin, si tu es pret a collaborer avec ces salauds d'impériaux!

 IN-GA 44 is a droid designed to help Jahan Cross in his missions. She's one of a kind. ALl options included, Cortosis alloy wheel rims, double airbags, obvioulsy.  A GPS, too - possibility of purchasing an extesion update for the outer rim online...  , coffee machine in the lower compartment of... Wait wait wait!!!...

IN-GA  44 est un droïde designé pour aider Jahan Cross dans ces missions. Un modèle unique en son genre. Toutes options incluses, ronce de noyer, jantes alliange de Cortosis, doubles airbags de série, GPS  - possibilité d'update pour la bordure extérieure, machine a café dans le compartiment inférieur de... Que'st-ce que je raconte, moi?!?!!

The Spy You'll learn to love - Come on, he's a handsome one, wouldn't you say?  - Jahan Cross himself! The Intergalactic Man of Mistery! A Charmer, no doubt, despite the fierce look and the gun in his hands here, but that's the only info I was allowed to disclose by the Empire... Or they promised to put a bounty on my head!

L'espion que vous allez adorer! Allez, admettez qu'il a la bogoss attitude! Jahan Cross lui-même, mesdemoiselles et mesdames!  Un charmeur, a n'en point douter, malgré le regard peu amène et l'arme qu'il arbore, il est vrai... Mais bon, c'est la seule charactéristique que l'Empire m'autorise a divulguer sur son agent. Sous la menace d'une mise-à-prix auprès du célèbre chasseur de primes,  Boba Fett, si j'en disais davantage... pour le moment!

That's all for now, law-abiding citizens of the Empire. I hope I manage to keep you thirsty here... 

Voila, chers citoyens dociles de l'Empire Galactique, c'est tout pour le moment, mais gardez toujours ouverts vos yeux, vos oreilles, et vos pages de recherches internet!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Dark Horse Agent of the Empire in the works!

It's started! 

And I am having a ball! John Ostrander writes the stories and well... Everybody knows John is a Genuine Jedi Master when it comes to telling stories in this particular universe created by George Lucas some 35 years ago.

My only hope - that's right, I did it again! -is that my doodles do justice to his writing.

I am also very fortunate that my editor, Awesome Randy Stradley, has granted me the right to choose my artistic team. I get to work with someone who understand what it means to do justice to the pencils: I am talking about Julien Hugonnard-Bert . The name isn't known to you? Well, wait till you see his skills on my pencils and you'll hear more about him in the future,I'm sure.

 Last but not least, my long time collaborator and bestest of friends, also model, sometimes, colorist Karine Boccanfuso. She's put the icing on the cake to some of my DC covers and pages  such as this...

Pretty wicked huh? Wait till you see the pages she's working on right now, for that Star Wars: Agent of the Empire title, in stores in December. 

Now, to get to the bottom of this post, this is how I usually start...

I pencil pretty roughly on Strathmore " Drawing " medium paper 8X10'

Defining how panels will be displayed and tell the story, following, or not, the indications John puts in his script. I usually scan right away and add quick greytones so I keep a  clear image of the lighting I have in mind for the scene.

It has proven to be of great help to the colorist too. 

Setting the mood like this saves a lot of time to everyone involved, to get a better understanding of the action.

Okay, that's already a lot of information for you guys... 

I'll post some more lay-youts soon,